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Honors Program Qualifications and Application for Fall 2024

If you are entering Austin Peay as a new freshman, to be accepted to the Honors Program, you must have a minimum 3.5 GPA from high-school or a score of 24 or better on the ACT. 

If you are a transfer student, you must have and maintain a minimum 3.25 college GPA. In order to apply to the Honors Program, please send an email expressing your interest to:  Honors@hurongyun168.com

Applications are accepted year round.

Orientation Dates

While both orientations are mandatory for Honors and PELP students, we understand that life can be unpredictable. If June doesn't work for you due to distance or vacation plans, no worries! The August Orientation is designed to ensure you still get the full, vibrant campus experience.

June Orientation (May 31 – June 1 2024):
August Orientation (August 20-22 2024):

Program Application

Please provide your first name, middle initial, and last name
Please provide the e-mail address that you would prefer to use for correspondence.
If you have received a letter notifying you that you are the recipient of one of the above named scholarships, please indicate which one you have received by choosing from the drop down menu.
Please provide your cell phone number.
Please provide a good mailing address including city, state, and zip code
Please provide the name of the high-school from which you will graduate or have graduated.
Please provide your high-school GPA
Please enter the highest score you received on the ACT exam.
Living Learning Community
If you would like to live in the Honors/PELP Living Learning Community, please check this box.
Please list all successfully completed AP courses, all dual-enrollment courses, and significant academic awards.
Please write c. 100 words stating your intended major and why you want to pursue that field of study.
Please discuss in 100-150 words what you expect from a university education.
Please discuss in 100-150 words what you hope to achieve by being a part of the Honors Program.